Components of Forest

Concept Explanation

Components of Forest

Componenets of Forest :  A forest consist of two components : Biotic (living) and Abiotic (non - living).

  • The biotic component forest conisists of plants, animals, decomposer, scavengers.
  • The abiotitc component consists of nutirents, water and carbon dioxide for growth of plants.
  • Biotic components of a Forest :

    1. Plants :  Green plants are those  living organisms which can prepare their own food. Such type organisms are known as autotrophs. They produce fod by the process of photosynthesis. They provide food to all living  orgainisms which live in the forest.

    2. Animals : Forest have many animals and they are called consumers. They consumers are of different types based on the food they eat. If an animal only eat plants and their parts then they are called as Herbivores whereas flesh eating aimals are called as Carnivores. All organisms are called as heterotrophs as they depend on other organisms for food.

    3. Decomposers : Mostly these organisms are microorganisms like bacteria and fungi. They feed on dead plants and animals and thus are called saprotrophs. These organisms are called as decomposers as they breakdown dead parts of the plants and dead bodies of animals into simpler substances.hey paly avery important role in sustaining the forest.

    4. Scavengers : Those animals which eat dead animals are called scavengers,e.g. vultures, crows, jackals,hyena, some insects etc. Scavangers are the cleaning agents of our envirionment.But these are not decomposers as they do not breakdown complex dead organic matter ino simple ones.

    The abiotic components of the forest are required for the growth of plants. Water and carbon dioxide are required for the process of photosynthesis and minerals, which participate in different metabolic processes are required for the undisturbed growth of the plants.


    Sample Questions
    (More Questions for each concept available in Login)
    Question : 1

    Which of the following are correct ?

    (a) Those animals which eat dead animals are called scavengers .

    (b) The examples of scavengers are vultures, crows, jackals,hyena, some insects etc.

    (c) Scavengers are not decomposes as they do not breakdown complex dead organic matter into simple ones.

    Right Option : D
    View Explanation
    Question : 2

    Which of the following are correct ?

    (a) A forest consist of two components : Biotic (living) and Abiotic (non - living).

    (b) The biotic component forest consists of plants, animals, decomposer, scavengers .

    Right Option : C
    View Explanation
    Question : 3

    Which of the following are correct ?

    (a) Forest have many animals and they are called consumers .

    (b) Animal who only eat plants and their parts they are called as Herbivorous .

    Right Option : C
    View Explanation

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